
Schwarz, A. (2024): Holding space for strangeness. In favor of critical utopianism in urban geography. Forum contribution. Geographica Helvetica 79, 277–281,

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2024): Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization. Progress in Human Geography 48(3), 275-291.

Schwarz, A. (ed.) (2024): Broken Binary Shorts.

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2023): Von Territorium zu Territorio: Land, Allmende und soziale Kämpfe in Mexiko-Stadt. In: Bauriedl, S./Carstensen-Egwuom, I. (eds.): Geographien der Kolonialität. Geschichten globaler Ungleichheitsverhältnisse der Gegenwart. Bielefeld: transcript.

Schwarz, A. (ed.) (2023): Emparamol Shorts.

Schwarz, A. (2022): Parochial imaginations: The ‘European City’ as a territorialised entity. In: Ha, N./Picker, G. (eds.): European Cities: Modernity, Race and Colonialism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2022): Rendering territory (in)visible. Approaching urban struggles through a socio-territorial lens. In: Brighenti, A.M. and Kärrholm, M. (eds.) Territories, Environments, Politics. Explorations in Territoriology. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Kübler, F., Schilk, F. and Schwarz, A. (2022): Rechte Räume reconstructed. Identitätsfassaden in Skopje und Dresden. In: Mullis, D. and Miggelbrink, J. (eds.) Lokal extrem Rechts. Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen. Bielefeld: transcript

Hutta, J. and Schwarz, A. (2021): Umkämpfte Differenzen. Für wen und mit wem Geographie machen? In: Schneider-Sliwa, R.; Braun, B.; Helbrecht, I. and Wehrhahn, R. (eds.) Humangeographie. Braunschweig: Westermann Bildungsmedien.

de Aquino, E.; Müller, F. and Schwarz, A. (eds) (2021): Protagonists of Latin American Futures. Theme issue, Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 9 (1).

Schwarz, A. (2021): “Practice believing that the world can change radically”: Interview with Malka Older. Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 9 (1), 27-32.

Schwarz, A. (2021): Hydraulic standby: Anticipating water in Mexico City. ephemera 21 (1), 173-196.

Schwarz, A. (2020): Book review of Sophie Watson’s 2019 City Water Matters. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 44 (6): 1099-1100.

Schwarz, A. (2020): The essential vat: Geographies of Food in Science Fiction. Lo Squaderno 56 – Urban Recipes, 13-16.

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2020): Introduction to the special issue “Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized Perspectives”. Geographica Helvetica 75 (1), 11–18.

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (eds.) (2019): Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized Perspectives. Geographica Helvetica Special Issue 938.

Streule, M. and Schwarz, A. (2019): “Not all spaces are territories”: creating other possible urban worlds in and from Latin America – an interview with Raúl Zibechi.  Geographica Helvetica 74 (1), 105-111.

Schwarz, A. (2018): Urban DIY Mesh Networks and the Right to the City: Interview with members of the Tapullo collective, Genoa. Journal of Peer Production #11 CITY.

Schwarz, A. (2018): A sudden drop in pressure. Book review of Nikhil Anand’s 2017 Hydraulic City. City – Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 22 (1), 178-182.
doi 10.1080/13604813.2018.1428272

Schwarz, A. (2017): Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City. Megacities and Global Change, Volume 22. Stuttgart: Steiner.

Schwarz, A. (2017): Gefährliches Wasser. Jungle World 2017/26, 29.06.2017

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2016): A Transposition of Territory. Decolonized Perspectives in Current Urban Research. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 40 (5), 1000–1016.
doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12439

Welz, J.; Schwarz, A. and Krellenberg, K. (2014): Understanding Hazard Exposure for Adaptation in a Climate Change Context. In: Krellenberg, K. and Hansjürgens, B. (eds.): Climate Adaptation Santiago. Heidelberg: Springer.

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2014): Territorio es más que terreno. La Jornada de Oriente, 07.08.2014

Schwarz, A. and Streule, M. (2014): Von wegen biologisch. Mexico City: Ein Flughafengrossprojekt soll urbane Stadtentwicklung mit natürlichem Freiraum verbinden. der Freitag, Nr. 22, 28.05.2014, 10.

Schwarz, A. (2013): Out All Day or Stay at Home: Mobility Patterns of the Urban Poor in Mexico City. Trialog 110 (2013), 4–7.

Müller, F. and Schwarz, A. (eds) (2013): Lo UrbanoCurrent Urban Research in and from Latin America. Theme issue, Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR  4 (2013).

Schwarz, A. (2013): Book review: Pradilla Cobos, Emilio (ed) 2011: Ciudades compactas, dispersas, fragmentadas. Critical Reviews on Latin American Research – CROLAR 4 (2013), 46–48.

Krellenberg, K.; Müller, A.; Schwarz, A.; Höfer, R. and Welz, J. (2013): Flood and heat hazards in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and the socio-economics of exposure. Applied Geography 38 (2013), 86–95.

creativedestruction [A. Schwarz] (2010): Raumaneignung. KRASS – kritische assoziationen #1, August 2010