Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization. Paper in ‘Progress in Human Geography’

How are territories and subjects entwined in a state of becoming-rather-than-being? So delighted that 'Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization', a major paper by Monika and me, has been published in…

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Emparamol Shorts. Flash Fiction nach O.E. Butler und K.S. Robinson

Image of a pack of hyperempathy-inducing drugs, as hallucinated by an AI

Ist Science Fiction Empowerment oder Eskapismus? Wozu überhaupt noch Zukunft in Zeiten multipler globaler Krisen? Als Emparamol Shorts veröffentliche ich vier Kurzgeschichten von Eskwe, Johanna Maria Gläßer, Livia Beier und Niklas Becker, die 2022/2023 im…

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‘Lokal extrem Rechts. Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen’ – book launch, May 11, 2022, Leipzig

Ursachen und Hintergründe für das Erstarken extrem rechter Politik werden in Wissenschaft und Medien intensiv diskutiert. Dabei fehlt es gerade in wissenschaftlichen Debatten zumeist an qualitativen Analysen und differenzierten räumlichen Betrachtungen jenseits von Stadt-Land- oder…

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CROLAR ‘Protagonists of Latin American Futures’ theme issue published

Baixada Cine, still from short film O Desejo é um Tempo Parado, 2020.

'Protagonists of Latin American Futures', the latest theme issue of Critical Reviews on Latin American Research - CROLAR has just been published at http://www.crolar.org/index.php/crolar Issue editors: Elis de Aquino, Frank Müller and Anke Schwarz For…

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Introduction to the special issue ‘Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized perspectives’

Over the last two years, Monika Streule and Anke Schwarz co-edited the Geographica Helvetica special issue 'Contested Urban Territories: Decolonized Perspectives'. All seven papers of the special issue are available at https://www.geogr-helv.net/special_issue938.html Now we are…

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News article: Gefährliches Wasser (Jungle World)

My article on the Flint water crisis and why the infrastructure investment plan recently announced by the White House is unlikely to alleviate any of the infrastructural inequalities in the US has been published. Find it in the June 29, 2017 edition of the Jungle World weekly (in German): https://jungle.world/artikel/2017/26/gefaehrliches-wasser