Broken Binary Shorts. 37C3 Flash Fiction Anthology

Decorative glitchy moiré image

Revering glitches, the Broken Binary Shorts anthology presents five flash fiction pieces by sirenensang, lemon, blueA and smettbo, written in December 2023 at the Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) in Hamburg. In a Glitch Feminism-inspired creative…

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Emparamol Shorts. Flash Fiction nach O.E. Butler und K.S. Robinson

Image of a pack of hyperempathy-inducing drugs, as hallucinated by an AI

Ist Science Fiction Empowerment oder Eskapismus? Wozu überhaupt noch Zukunft in Zeiten multipler globaler Krisen? Als Emparamol Shorts veröffentliche ich vier Kurzgeschichten von Eskwe, Johanna Maria Gläßer, Livia Beier und Niklas Becker, die 2022/2023 im…

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‘Flesh Fiction: Writing cultivated meat taste’ workshop @University of Maastricht, Sept 12, 2023

On September 12, 2023 I facilitated Flesh Fiction, a collective writing experiment speculating on tastes of cultivated meat. Read the full Flesh Fiction story and poem collection we produced during the workshop for free over at the Protein Matters project blog. Part of the ‘Promissory Meatscapes of Mosa Meat & Co: The Political Ecologies of Urbanized Protein’ workshop organized by Frank I. Müller and Willem Boterman from University of Amsterdam’s Centre for Urban Studies.