'For a Non-Exceptionalist Spatial Theory of Far-Right Mobilization', our first publication as Autor*innenkollektiv Terra-R, has just been published in Antipode Online. We propose to approach far-right geographies through the lens of territorialization. If one seeks…
Capturing dissent: Forensic photography of graffiti in the late GDR. Paper in ‘Territory, Politics, Governance’
Through a document analysis of archival materials, I explore visual landscapes of graffiti that were produced by the German Democratic Republic’s Ministry for State Security photographers in Leipzig between 1980 and 1989 in this recent…
Take root among the stars? Emancipatory homemaking as critical worldbuilding in Octavia Butler’s Parables. Paper in ‘cultural geographies’
In this paper, we explore strategies of emancipatory homemaking in Octavia E. Butler's Earthseed novels. We examine homemaking as a strategy, first, of persistence and, second, of adaptability. This allows us to define the home…
‘Parochial territorializations. Towards a critique of insular worldbuilding’ research seminar @ York University, Toronto, Sept 19, 2024
Testing the umbrella term of the parochial, this talk by CITY Institute senior visiting scholar Anke Schwarz will address authoritarian and nativist spatial imaginations and practices as well as exclusionary territorializations. Reading the urban as…
Holding space for strangeness. In favor of critical utopianism in urban geography. Paper in ‘Geographica Helvetica’
What could urban geographers continue to learn and unlearn from critical utopianism and emancipatory futurities? In this contribution, I seek to recover transformative academic practices and work towards didactics of speculative estrangement. Specifically, I propose…
‘Didactics of estrangement through Science Fiction’ paper & ‘Future techniques, protagonists and spaces’ session @ RGS-IBG London, Aug 28 and 29, 2024
At the 2024 RGS-IBG conference in London, I co-hosted a GFGRG and PolGRG sponsored session and presented a paper. Didactics of estrangement through Science Fiction Paper presented by Anke Schwarz Despite the limitations implied by…
Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization. Paper in ‘Progress in Human Geography’
How are territories and subjects entwined in a state of becoming-rather-than-being? So delighted that 'Territorial subjectivities. The missing link between political subjectivity and territorialization', a major paper by Monika and me, has been published in…
‘Regression als Aufbruch. Kritische Geographien rechter Zukunftsentwürfe’ @NKG 2024, Münster, 24.05.2024
Kann Regression je Aufbruch sein? Gilt ‚die Zukunft‘ alltagssprachlich oft als Synonym für Fortschritt, so werden rechte Erzählungen und Praktiken eher mit einer Orientierung an angeblich verlorenen oder von Verlust bedrohten Traditionen in Verbindung gebracht.…
Broken Binary Shorts. 37C3 Flash Fiction Anthology
Revering glitches, the Broken Binary Shorts anthology presents five flash fiction pieces by sirenensang, lemon, blueA and smettbo, written in December 2023 at the Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) in Hamburg. In a Glitch Feminism-inspired creative…
‘The Far Right and the City’ @Urban Political Podcast, February 9, 2024
For the Urban Political Podcast, Felicitas Kübler and I spoke with fellow Terra-R network members Antonie Schmiz, Gala Nettelbladt, Valentin Domann and Daniel Mullis about our research on authoritarian urbanism and the current situation in…