Take root among the stars? Emancipatory homemaking as critical worldbuilding in Octavia Butler’s Parables. Paper in ‘cultural geographies’

Detail of a paperback with colorful bookmarks

In this paper, we explore strategies of emancipatory homemaking in Octavia E. Butler's Earthseed novels. We examine homemaking as a strategy, first, of persistence and, second, of adaptability. This allows us to define the home…

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Diskriminierungsfrei Wohnen: Utopie und Wirklichkeit. Öffentliche Online-Ringvorlesung, WiSe 2023-2024

Fragen der sozialen Wohnungsversorgung bestimmen seit vielen Jahren stadt- und wohnungspolitische Debatten um ausreichend Wohnraum und Mietpreissteigerungen. Nur wenig thematisiert werden dabei jedoch Wohnbedarfe einer diversen und marginalisierten Bevölkerung. Doch gerade für diese Bevölkerungsgruppen bestehen…

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‘Cities of Hope’: RGS-IBG Urban Geography Research Group’s Annual Conference, Nov 18/19, 2021

Poster for UGRG Annual Conference 2021

On November 18 and 19, 2021, the RGS-IBG Urban Geography Research Group held its ‘Cities of Hope’ annual conference. The event brought scholars and activists together to explore what more just cities might look like, tackling issues ranging from gender-based and racial forms of violence to housing injustices.

On Nov 18, I chaired an inspiring session with Veda Popovici and Michele Lacione entitled ‘The false symmetry of research-activism. Towards accompliceship and undercommon praxis’ on their joint work in Bucharest with the Common Front for Housing Rights (FCDL). Previously featured in the ‘It started raining‘ documentary and at https://jurnaldinvulturilor50.org

Hot off the press: Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City

Domestic Water Use

I am happy to announce the publication of my new book: Schwarz, A. (2017): Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City. Megacities and Global Change, Vol. 22. Stuttgart: Steiner. Abstract…

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