Hydraulic standby: Anticipating water in Mexico City, my paper for the Standby: Organizing modes of in|activity special issue of ephemera was published today. abstract Even in cities where taps are installed in virtually all homes,…
Category: Mexico City
Análisis socio-espacial del consumo de agua. Seminario@El Colegio de México, Septiembre 14, 2018
Invitación al seminario con la participación de Anke Schwarz @ El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales La ponencia se basa en mi libro Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic…
The ordinary fabric of urban resilience. Paper@EAUH Rome 2018
I just presented my paper 'The ordinary fabric of urban resilience' at the European Association for Urban History's 14th Conference 'Urban renewal and resilience. Cities in comparative perspective'. It formed part of the session 'Imagining…
Nada, nadie. The September 19, 2017 Mexico City quake
In face of the devastation following the magnitude 7.1 earthquake affecting Mexico City and Morelos on September 19, 2017, I am re-reading Nada, nadie - Las voces del temblor, by Elena Poniatowska, and Carlos Monsiváis'…
Hot off the press: Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City
I am happy to announce the publication of my new book: Schwarz, A. (2017): Demanding Water. A Sociospatial Approach to Domestic Water Use in Mexico City. Megacities and Global Change, Vol. 22. Stuttgart: Steiner. Abstract…
Transposing territory to the urban scale. Contestations over land use in Mexico City’s periphery. Paper@AAG Boston
As part of our sessions on Contested Urban Territories on April 9, 2017, I will present our paper Transposing territory to the urban scale. Contestations over land use in Mexico City's periphery at the AAG…
Contested Urban Territories: Paper session@AAG Boston, April 9, 2017
American Association of Geographers 2017 Annual Meeting Sunday April 9, 2017, 8:00 AM - 11:40 AM Room 202, Hynes Convention Center, Boston Session organizers: Monika Streule (ETH Zürich) and Anke Schwarz (Leipzig) Discussants: Rogério Haesbaert…
Recommended article: ¿El fin del agua en la Ciudad de México?
In his article ¿El fin del agua en la Ciudad de México?, Alejandro de Coss traces the social roots of Mexico City's water scarcity. These range from a crisis of governance to the depletion of…
New article in IJURR: A Transposition of Territory: Decolonized Perspectives in Current Urban Research
by Anke Schwarz and Monika Streule In this article published in IJURR 40 (5), we discuss the concept of territory from a decolonized perspective. We engage with the ongoing debate on decentralizing urban studies to…
Dumb Metering – How ‘smart’ can urban infrastructure ever be?
Smart energy grids are now being rolled out all over Europe. One of their core elements are so-called smart meters - digital devices which can be read out and controlled by the utility from a…