
Originally trained as an urban planner, Anke Schwarz holds a PhD in Human Geography from University of Hamburg, and recently completed her habilitation (venia legendi) at TU Dresden, also in Human Geography. She has been a visiting researcher at UNAM in Mexico City, UNINA in Naples, and York University in Toronto. As an urban and political geographer, Anke specializes in theories of territorialization, international urbanization, future geographies, and geographies of Speculative and Science Fiction.

Currently, she is a senior researcher and lecturer in Human Geography at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg’s European Center of Just Transition Research. Anke is a founding member of the Terra-R network (DFG-Netzwerk Territorializations of the Radical Right), member of the Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA), and fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG).