Historias del habitar. Nuevas perspectivas metodológicas en torno al espacio urbano
Upcoming interdisciplinary workshop by Anke Schwarz in collaboration with Dra. Maria del Carmen Ramírez Hernández, UAM-Xochimilco
The workshop will introduce the new empirical method of habitat biographies, and show up possible future applications in urban research and beyond. The method has been developed as part of a PhD thesis on the relation between the social production of space and practices of domestic water use in Mexico City (Schwarz 2015). It rests on a systematic visualization and analysis of qualitative empirical data. The workshop is open to participants from a range of fields (social and cultural sciences as well as engineering, architecture and planning) who will apply as well as further develop and adapt the method according to their own research interests, allowing them to employ the method in future research.
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (UAM-X), Mexico City
Date tba
Workshop will be held in Spanish; registration required.
Further details coming soon…