Take root among the stars? Emancipatory homemaking as critical worldbuilding in Octavia Butler’s Parables. Paper in ‘cultural geographies’

Detail of a paperback with colorful bookmarks

In this paper, we explore strategies of emancipatory homemaking in Octavia E. Butler's Earthseed novels. We examine homemaking as a strategy, first, of persistence and, second, of adaptability. This allows us to define the home…

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Holding space for strangeness. In favor of critical utopianism in urban geography. Paper in ‘Geographica Helvetica’

A pile of SFF literature

What could urban geographers continue to learn and unlearn from critical utopianism and emancipatory futurities? In this contribution, I seek to recover transformative academic practices and work towards didactics of speculative estrangement. Specifically, I propose…

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‘Didactics of estrangement through Science Fiction’ paper & ‘Future techniques, protagonists and spaces’ session @ RGS-IBG London, Aug 28 and 29, 2024

At the 2024 RGS-IBG conference in London, I co-hosted a GFGRG and PolGRG sponsored session and presented a paper. Didactics of estrangement through Science Fiction Paper presented by Anke Schwarz Despite the limitations implied by…

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Emparamol Shorts. Flash Fiction nach O.E. Butler und K.S. Robinson

Image of a pack of hyperempathy-inducing drugs, as hallucinated by an AI

Ist Science Fiction Empowerment oder Eskapismus? Wozu überhaupt noch Zukunft in Zeiten multipler globaler Krisen? Als Emparamol Shorts veröffentliche ich vier Kurzgeschichten von Eskwe, Johanna Maria Gläßer, Livia Beier und Niklas Becker, die 2022/2023 im…

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‘Dwelling in disrupted worlds’ paper & ‘Critical worldbuilding in practice’ panel @SFRA ‘Disruptive Imaginations’ conference, Dresden, Aug 17 and 18, 2023

At the 2023 Sciene Fiction Research Association's and Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung's joint conference 'Disruptive Imaginations' in Dresden, I presented a paper and co-hosted a panel. Dwelling in disrupted worlds. Emancipatory home-making as critical world-building in…

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