‘Parochial territorializations. Towards a critique of insular worldbuilding’ research seminar @ York University, Toronto, Sept 19, 2024

Facade of reconstructed buildings in downtown Frankfurt

Testing the umbrella term of the parochial, this talk by CITY Institute senior visiting scholar Anke Schwarz will address authoritarian and nativist spatial imaginations and practices as well as exclusionary territorializations. Reading the urban as…

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‘Dwelling in disrupted worlds’ paper & ‘Critical worldbuilding in practice’ panel @SFRA ‘Disruptive Imaginations’ conference, Dresden, Aug 17 and 18, 2023

At the 2023 Sciene Fiction Research Association's and Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung's joint conference 'Disruptive Imaginations' in Dresden, I presented a paper and co-hosted a panel. Dwelling in disrupted worlds. Emancipatory home-making as critical world-building in…

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‘Lokal extrem Rechts. Analysen alltäglicher Vergesellschaftungen’ – book launch, May 11, 2022, Leipzig

Ursachen und Hintergründe für das Erstarken extrem rechter Politik werden in Wissenschaft und Medien intensiv diskutiert. Dabei fehlt es gerade in wissenschaftlichen Debatten zumeist an qualitativen Analysen und differenzierten räumlichen Betrachtungen jenseits von Stadt-Land- oder…

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