For the Urban Political Podcast, Felicitas Kübler and I spoke with fellow Terra-R network members Antonie Schmiz, Gala Nettelbladt, Valentin Domann and Daniel Mullis about our research on authoritarian urbanism and the current situation in…
Category: Futures
Emparamol Shorts. Flash Fiction nach O.E. Butler und K.S. Robinson
Ist Science Fiction Empowerment oder Eskapismus? Wozu überhaupt noch Zukunft in Zeiten multipler globaler Krisen? Als Emparamol Shorts veröffentliche ich vier Kurzgeschichten von Eskwe, Johanna Maria Gläßer, Livia Beier und Niklas Becker, die 2022/2023 im…
Diskriminierungsfrei Wohnen: Utopie und Wirklichkeit. Öffentliche Online-Ringvorlesung, WiSe 2023-2024
Fragen der sozialen Wohnungsversorgung bestimmen seit vielen Jahren stadt- und wohnungspolitische Debatten um ausreichend Wohnraum und Mietpreissteigerungen. Nur wenig thematisiert werden dabei jedoch Wohnbedarfe einer diversen und marginalisierten Bevölkerung. Doch gerade für diese Bevölkerungsgruppen bestehen…
‘Flesh Fiction: Writing cultivated meat taste’ workshop @University of Maastricht, Sept 12, 2023
On September 12, 2023 I facilitated Flesh Fiction, a collective writing experiment speculating on tastes of cultivated meat. Read the full Flesh Fiction story and poem collection we produced during the workshop for free over at the Protein Matters project blog. Part of the ‘Promissory Meatscapes of Mosa Meat & Co: The Political Ecologies of Urbanized Protein’ workshop organized by Frank I. Müller and Willem Boterman from University of Amsterdam’s Centre for Urban Studies.
‘Mapping the Global Rise of Fossil Fascism’ lecture & ‘Stadtgeographie in Krisenzeiten’ panel @DKG 2023, Frankfurt, Sept 21, 2023
Planetary Futures - der Deutsche Kongress für Geographie 2023 hat sich nicht wenig vorgenommen. Am 21.9. bin ich in Frankfurt/Main an zwei Veranstaltungen beteiligt: Lecture: Mapping the Global Rise of Fossil Fascism Speaker: Tatjana Söding…
‘Dwelling in disrupted worlds’ paper & ‘Critical worldbuilding in practice’ panel @SFRA ‘Disruptive Imaginations’ conference, Dresden, Aug 17 and 18, 2023
At the 2023 Sciene Fiction Research Association's and Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung's joint conference 'Disruptive Imaginations' in Dresden, I presented a paper and co-hosted a panel. Dwelling in disrupted worlds. Emancipatory home-making as critical world-building in…
Protein Futures: Past and present – panel discussion @TU Dresden, December 15, 2022
At the ‘Protein Futures’ panel on December 15, I will discuss futures, SF, imagination, and alternative dietary proteins with Moritz Ingwersen (TUD), Rodrigo Morais (UFPR) and Patrick Weir (Protein matters project). Event hosted by Frank Müller and Judith Miggelbrink (heads of the Protein Matters project).
TU Dresden Hörsaalzentrum, HSZ/201/U
Thu, Dec 15, 2022 – 5.30 to 7:30 pm
‘Cities of Hope’: RGS-IBG Urban Geography Research Group’s Annual Conference, Nov 18/19, 2021
On November 18 and 19, 2021, the RGS-IBG Urban Geography Research Group held its ‘Cities of Hope’ annual conference. The event brought scholars and activists together to explore what more just cities might look like, tackling issues ranging from gender-based and racial forms of violence to housing injustices.
On Nov 18, I chaired an inspiring session with Veda Popovici and Michele Lacione entitled ‘The false symmetry of research-activism. Towards accompliceship and undercommon praxis’ on their joint work in Bucharest with the Common Front for Housing Rights (FCDL). Previously featured in the ‘It started raining‘ documentary and at
Urban geography otherwise? Decentering academic knowledge production in praxis. Session @RGS-IBG, Sept 1, 2021
Dual session at RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2021 Chairs: Anke Schwarz (TU Dresden) and Monika Streule (ETH Zürich) Today, many scholars are aware of the theoretically well-founded need to work towards more decentred urban knowledge production.…
Transnational Dimensions of the Far Right. Panel @RGS-IBG, Sept 2, 2021
Panel session at RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2021 Chairs: Anke Schwarz (TU Dresden) and Jan Simon Hutta (University of Bayreuth) The far right has long been organizing across national borders, from European fascists and white-supremacist advocates…